Submit a prayer request. Scroll down for the Lifepath Prayer Chain. 

We consider it a privilege to pray for you.

Lifepath Church Prayer Chain

Prayer is the most we can do for and with each other. 

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

-Ephesians 6:18


Prayers from March 9, 2025 David Atongo - I thank God for his blessings in my family. Gay King - Please pray for my depression that is causing me to sleep a lot and feel isolated. Maureen Arriola - Pray that our son, David, be promoted to Assistant Director of Human Resources at his company. Pam Hruza - Please pray for my brother-in-law, Mike Nunn, who has kidney cancer and a brain tumor growing. He is having brain surgery on 3/13. JoAnn Stevenson - Praises for a healthy baby girl born to my niece, Amy, and her husband, Neil. Prayers for my brother's sleep apnea to be treated so he can get relief. Moises Moreno - Pray for my family and the things my children learn and absorb. Also, for knowledge and wisdom as I carry out my police duties. Ari Flores - Guidance and direction in 2025. Understanding of my calling and God's will for my life. Prayers for the healing of my Godfather, Earnest Martin. Jackie Hudson - Prayers for healing for Alice Carter, who is in the hospital with a virus.


Susan Scott's friend has an 18-year-old son that is in the hospital with a 105-degree fever. Prayers for healing.


Prayers from Mar 2, 2025 Hector Segura - A family friend, Elvira Mayorga, is in Mexico for cancer treatment. Nora, Jesse and Jeremy Rubio - For our entire family to have a relationship with God. For my friend, Maria Rubio, to get a job soon or an unemployment check. She is single and a senior and needs to pay her bills. Carlos & Blanca Ortiz - Freedom from financial debt. Health. Casey Anderson - Just for the presence of God to fill my family's hearts and for our family to stay together. Melissa Brown - I need prayer for my daughter, Haley, to be the mother I know she can be. Pray for the Lord to draw her close to Him. Open her eyes to the truth. Vickie Domaschk - Prayers for Jack, my brother-in-law's dad). Jack now has 2 blood clots in his lungs. They still have no idea what is wrong. Betty Drda - Pray that I can get my strength back sooner rather than later. Joni Simpson-Gomez - Please pray that through Christ I can overcome this spirit of fear and worry. Maureen Arriola - Pray that our son, David gets the promotion to Assistant Director. JoAnn Stevenson - Dear God, please open our eyes and ears so we can see and hear your will for us, so we can see the glory of Jesus, and listen to Him and Follow Him. Theresa & Anne Strong - We could both use some patience.


Please pray for Jack. He is declining quickly and doctors don’t know why. Jack is my brother in law’s father. Thank you.


Prayers for family friend John Harris. He was recently diagnosed w/lung cancer and brain metastasis. Treatment so far has been very exhausting. Prayers for peace for John & family as they navigate this awful challenge.