Submit a prayer request. Scroll down for the Lifepath Prayer Chain. 

We consider it a privilege to pray for you.

Lifepath Church Prayer Chain

Prayer is the most we can do for and with each other. 

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

-Ephesians 6:18


Prayers from July 21, 2024 Alice Blackburn- Please pry for those effected by Hurricane Beryl and for America and for President Trump’s purpose to come to fruition and for the country to unite under God. On a personal not for prayer. Please pray my cancer is gone because symptoms are still present, and I’m scared to go through more treatments. Thanks Alice Carter- Please pray for Loni Carter- they found a spot on her lungs. JoAnn Stevenson- Please pray for comfort for my family. My cousin Terry passed peacefully yesterday (July20). Prayers for his siblings, nieces and nephews. Carmen Vasconcellos- Please pray for my medical appointment. Danielle & Moises Moreno- General prayers for our family, our home, strength guidance and protection.


Urgent Prayers for a fellow lung cancer patient, Beth Goodson that her progression is diagnosed properly & successfully treated. Especially that it hasn’t mutated from non-small cell to small cell lung cancer.


Prayer requests from Sunday 7/14/2024 Melissa Brown- Pray for strength while in Chemo. I pray for the Lord to direct me to the right resources to help me. I pray for the Lord to give me comfort knowing that He is with me during my storm. I praise Him in the storm. Gay King- Prayers for our Nation and Israel. Thanks, that no one was hurt when tree crashed over James and Janis’s roof and hope for quick repairs and power. Alex and Jacob. Gillian Main- Please pray for healing. I have fractured my shoulder, and I am still waiting for a MRI to see if the rotator cuff is torn too. Please pray for no surgery. David Atongo- Thank God for His blessings. Marie Johnson- Please keep my daughter and me in your prayers. She is doing a little better these days. Linda Martin- Prayers for the farmers. Rene Schunneman- Prayers for myself and my coworkers this next week. With no power for a week, work is going to be very stressful. Also, continue prayers for my grandmother and mom. Janis Tidemann- Please pray for my stepdaughter, Jamie, she is experiencing pain in shoulder, back, and jaw from cancer. Pray for relief, a good visit with oncologist. Sally Preston- Please pray for me- travel mercies. July 20-27 safety, health, no issues at home while gone. JoAnn Stevenson- Lord help us to see things through your eyes- to be sad about what makes you sad, to have joy in what brings you joy and to share your joy with those around us. Patty Tipton- Calming peaceful and faithfulness for Dora mother in law, in her final stages of hospice. Sarah Livingston- Prayers for continued healing and solutions for rehab financing till she can walk again.


Elliott Scott - Jackie is in the hospital with an infection. She is not accepting visitors at this point but welcomes all prayers. Also prayers over this Wednesday nights Refuge. PRAYER NEEDS FROM SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2024 Cain Sanchez - pray for safety of the storm.  Nora Gale - please pray for our family; for hardships to bring us all closer together. Pray for our children’s mental, spiritual and physical health. Prayer for reunification and prosperity.  Anonymous - Pray for Kim Sauer, may she feel better. Cynthia R. - may she find peace and healing. Frank - may he find peace and help to get off drugs.  Alice and Kenneth Blackburn - We pray and ask you to pray for our son and brother Christian Blackburn to be more active and participate in things in the real world. Like coming to church, for him to get off the computer and realize there is so much more to life. Maybe those who know him can text hi with volunteer requests or to say a simple hello. He has no path and needs help from the Lord to find one. Please pray in Jesus name, Amen. Bob and Gail Scruggs - Our friend Brenda Cox had hip replacement surgery last week. Pray for a smooth recovery.  Patty Tipton - Pray for my home as I have flood insurance butt no home insurance. They want to cut down my 40 year old oak and because of branches over roof. I had it trimmed, it didn’t matter.  Linda Martin - give thanks Jeanette is cancer free.  Janis Tidemann - Pray for safety for all during the next few days of uncertain weather. Amen Taylor Johnson - I just relocated here and its just my baby and I. Pray for God’s blessing over coming here and prayers for healing as my son’s dad just passed away.


PRAYER NEEDS FROM SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2024 Kenneth Blackburn - Please pray to God that my work environment improves with peace in the workplace that I find fulfillment in my job and beyond. Thanks in Jesus name. Amen Alice Blackburn - Please God Almighty bless the United States as a country and in it’s citizens to come to Christ  before it’s too late. We ned to be roll models for the world that Christ is the way and righteousness needs to be shown to others so they repent and follow Jesus our Savior. Amen Linda Martin - give thanks that Jeanette’s surgery turned out good.  Joni Simpson Gomez - Prayers to finish cleaning out my mom’s house, getting it sold (find a good realtor) and wisdom in how to handle her helpful neighbor who is starting to overstep his role as a neighbor.  David Atongo - May God give me peace in my heart.  Nora and Jesse - Our family health, spiritual, physical and financial. Longevity for our parents for our family to have a loving relationship with Jesus! Nora and Adam - Thanks for answered prayers over the past two weeks. Continued prayers for reunification, prayers for protection and blessings over our children.  Maggie - I would like to pray for my mom and her health.  Claudia Rivera - Please keep our son Steven and Amanda, his wife, they are traveling next week to visit family from Kansas. We will have a family reunion this July month! Love Y’all, Lifepath Family.  Kennith Arriola - Rose Martin goin through a lot. Joy Arriola, daughter, needs prayer for her head.